Create a new email address

New email addresses are created through the cPanel control panel on the server.

In the Dashboard, click the Accounts button on the Email tab.

E-mail Accounts

In the Email field, enter the new desired email address

Enter the desired password in the Password and Password (re) fields

The Strength field shows how secure your password is. Our servers are forced to create reasonably secure passwords, so a password that is too weak will not be accepted.

The Mailbox Quota field lets you specify the size of your mailbox.

Click the Create Account button.

You can also let the system generate a strong password for you by clicking the Password Generator button.

Remember to make your password secure enough! Instead of using standard words in the dictionary, make your password a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. For example: Ka5si + Al = MA! Also, remember to write down the password you created and keep your password hidden from outside view.

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